Security Industry Insurance

Security Industry Insurance

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Security Insurance Liability Policy

Coversure is pleased to announce the placement of a Security Industry Liability facility with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds with effect from 1st June 2024.

Coversure is not able to deal or advise direct with clients and we can only accept insurance via a licensed insurance broker (AFLS holder). Insurance brokers also assist you in selecting the most appropriate insurance to meet your needs

The placement is made via a Line Slip with the assistance of Lloyds brokers. Placement via Coversure Select Security brokers is preferred due to their developed risk and product knowledge.

The facility is not designed or suited for sole operators with limited resources to implement detailed risk management procedures.

The facility places a very high reliance on risk management and compliance documentation and electronic data collection to mitigate and prevent loss.  Submissions for new business will require the inclusion of additional information and documented compliance procedures.

Submissions require a minimum of:

  1. A signed and dated proposal.
  2. Details of sub-contractor, labour hire and venue contracted services
  3. Risk management assessment for the business highlighting high, medium and low risks associated with the business and how there are resolved with documented reference to business operations manual, policies and procedures.
    • Risk Management assessment should consider issues arising from
      • WH&S, regulatory compliance,
      • Australian Standards & ISO operating compliance,
      • Staff, sub-co0ntractor and labour hire staff training,
      • access to first responders,
      • patron management procedures and assessments (including domestic violence),
      • drugs and alcohol management and monitoring.
  4. Details of Parton Management venue
    1. Operating documentation
    2. Training
    3. Contracted services
  5. Training schedules or other documentation to evidence implementation of risk management, operational plans together with other upskilling and compliance training of staff
  6. Evidence of operational compliance and maintenance with provision of completed examples of checklists and logs.
  7. 5 years documented claims history on an underwriter or TPA’s letterhead including paid and reserve amounts
    1. For any risk with a claim or notification it is imperative there is a clear demonstration on the steps that have been taken to avoid future similar losses. This process should be evident in the training or maintenance schedules and other documentation submitted for review.

Please discuss any significant placements with our staff or via [email protected] for feedback on available placement opportunities. 


Activities and occupations we will consider include:

  • Patron Management (Crowd Control) excluding nightclubs
  • Alarm Monitoring and Response
  • Bodyguards
  • Cash Carry
  • Debt Collectors
  • Gun & Dog Use
  • Investigation Agencies
  • Mobile Patrols
  • Security at Airports and Public Buildings
  • Security Training Providers e.g. Self Defence
  • Static Guarding
  • Traffic Controlling
  • a wide range of other Security related activities

Activities and occupations we do not consider include

  • Patron management for nightclubs
  • Design &/or Alteration of Security, Cable & Fire Systems
  • Direct Importer of Security Systems
  • Installation of Security, Cable & Fire Systems
  • Locksmith
  • Manufacture of Security, Cable & Fire Systems
  • Incidental exposure of the above may be considered (other than nightclub exposure)

Key Benefits

Key Policy Benefits

The Coversure policy includes the following sections:

Broadform Liability Insurance


Up to $20,000,000

Error & Omissions


Up to $5,000,000

Professional Indemnity


Up to $5,000,000

Criminal Defence, Worksafe and Coronial Enquiry Costs


Up to $250,000

Cash in Transit / Cash in Safe



Use of Dogs


Up to $250,000

Use of Firearms


Up to $1,000,000

Higher limited may be considered on application

All our claims are managed by Australian based claims settlement professionals and legal advisors